Your donations are important!




East County Media is a 501(c)3 nonprofit charitable organization. Our federal tax ID number is 83-1108634. You can donate via Paypal, credit card, or check. 


To make a one-time donation or a sustaining monthly pledge by credit card, through our donor database at Network for Good to support our news reporting and/or wildfire alerts, please click the "Donate now" buttton:

(Direct link:

You can also mail checks to East County Media at 4438 Hideaway Place,  La Mesa, CA 91941.

To donate by Paypal, where you can also pay by credit card without a Paypal account, for a one-time donation or a sustaining monthly donationn, scroll to the bottom of this page.

We are the only regional publisher dedicated to news coverage in San Diego's East County, as well as providing the public with real-time wildfire and emergency alerts.

East County Media's funds support:

  • East County Magazine, (winner of 142 journalism awards for local public interest reporting) 
  • East County Wildfire & Emergency Alerts (keeping you safe and informed)
  • East County Magazine Radio Show
  • Briana Gomez Multicultural Journalism Fund to mentor and train young multicultural reporters
  • East County Dining Club (events support East County Media's projects)
  • Special projects, community events and public forums.  

 You can choose which program to support, or make a general donation to let us choose where the need is greatest.

Individual donations are vital and deeply appreciated to help us continue to bring you independent news reflecting the public interest, not special interests, as well as sustaining our wildfire and emergency alerts--bringing you news when you need it most.  You can also make a one-time donation to supprt a specific reporting project in your community.

Monthly pledges are vital to help us to budget ahead for our news, alerts and events.  As thanks, we have rewards for our monthly donors including event discounts, Best of East County Cookbook, and VIP events.

Journalists’ Circle:     $10/ month     discounts on select events

Editor’s Circle:     $20/month    discounts on select events + cookbook

Publisher’s Circle:     $50/month    discounts on select events, cookbook, & VIP party invite

You can  support any of these East County Media supported programs/projects or a special donation designation. Just write in your choice after clicking the "support" button filling in your donation amount. 

  • East County Media (Our favorite: Let us choose where need is greatest such as covering fires, breaking news, and your community issues.)
  • East County Magazine (award-winning community reporting/public interest news)
  • East County Wildfire and Emergency Alerts (keeping you safe and informed)
  • East County Dining Club ($12 a year to join)
  • Briana Gomez Multicultural Reporting Fund (funds mentoring young multicultural journalists and reporting on multicultural/diversity issues in memory of our award-winning multicultural reporter Briana Gomez)

PAYPAL DONATIONS:  Click the button below:



Checks payable to East County Media can be mailed to:

East County Media

4438 Hideaway Place

La Mesa CA 91941

East County Media is a 501(c)3 nonprofit charitable organization. Our federal tax ID number is 83-1108634.